Roy Hirshkowitz


Seattle, WA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Jorge Javier Lara Domínguez

    Hola Roy... Gracias por los tips para mejorar el trabajo, tengo una duda, me pedias te enviara el modelo 3d de la recamara?
  • Rey F. Rosario Berrios

    Hola Roy, en diciembre adquiri mi licencia full version de Nxt estoy tratando de establecer los settins para el render interior de esta cocina pero cuando trato de renderizar el sistema se torna lento apenas llega a 6 pases en 40 minutos. Yo he creado varios materiales en desplazamiento como lo es el piso y los mosaicos para la cocina, no se si esto tiene que ver. Mi sistema es Windows XP Sp3, AMD Athlon (tm) 64X2 Dual Core 4200+2.21 GHz, 3.00 gb of RAM. No se si es problema del sistema o no estoy procediendo bien con los ajustes.
  • Larry McLean


           I think I see what I was doing wrong. Seems to be working fine now.

           Thank you for your help and patience with me.

                                                                                              Larry McLean

  • kk

    Hi...I would like to know this license is for single user or multiple user? Normally how you control the license? For example, now i install this plug in software into computer A, suddently i change my mind , i install again this software into computer B, is there any problem occur? Do you have any extra charges for the upgrade version?
  • barak zippor

    hi roy. been a user and a fan for almost 20 years. just bought the nxt upgrade. got a e-licence number and a cd-key . tried to type them into the "paste product key" window (what is the product key ? i got a cd-key ... are they the same ?). keep getting the same window with no result.

  • barak zippor

    oof ...  i think i got it right. just typed the wrong characters. why are those key so long ?

  • Mattos

    Bom dia Roy! Estou com dificuldades ao ADD plantas e e arvores, em alguns arquivos  eles ficam gigantes, e em alguns ficam normal, onde,quando ou como corrijo essa questão de escala das plantas, seria antes de iniciar o NXT, ou na hora de criar o projeto em DWG,

    Agradeço  muito se puder me auxiliar, pois estou sempre  exportando os arquivos  DWG para ambientes onde as plantas estão na escala, com isso o arquivo fica muito grande mesmo depois de purgar!!

    Att: MATTOS

  • Marcos Oliveira

    Oi, pode me tirar um duvida?

    Qual é o renderizador q vc usa ora fazer as imagem, tu cria no auto cad, e faz as rederizações qual programa? obrigado

  • Marcos Oliveira


  • alberto reyes

    roy i really apreciate your comment about my latest work thanks, is part of a proyect for arquitectural contest in dominican republic  let me know about the images.


  • alberto reyes

    not not at all. yes the fore ground is what i was worry about i pasted from a image weak and i think it lost a detail i do that i gona change it. and reposted again later and thanks that is what i want a honest true thank again i upload after i refinish 

    thank roy

  • Aguinaldo Marinho

    In AR3 was how to render fonts in Windows ... You typed the letters of any Windows font, and apply the material and everything went right .... I could not do the same NXT .... Create letters I had to manually ... how to render the letters typed by AUTOCAD??

  • hoai hai bui

    Hi Roy

    I want to ask the following issues:
    when I put the image in bitmap format bump material is skewed image after rendering. Guide me how to fix it.

    Thank you very much!!!

  • Aguinaldo Marinho

    How do I buy NXT to REVIT 2015?
    I already have NXT to AutoCad.
    I'm upgrading to REVIT and wish the NXT as surrender!
  • traian m

    I bought nxt for revit and it never worked

    a shame

    moreover, I'm trying to get an answer about how to assigt nxt materials to autocad ADT entities, like windows, walls and the like. there are several poats about this issue here and there but I never managed to solve this enigma. So i'm left with two alternatives-to render in native revit, or to construct everithing with plain autocad entities and render with nxt, wich is time consuming.