advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I wanna thank all of the people, who had voted for 'Shine a Light'.
It was my very first try here and it took my machine to the limit
- only 32 bit with one i5 - even with 3 GB memory switch enabled, it was not possible to render it in one long session.
Under the conditions i had, it would surely take more than a month of render time,to get the results I wanted.
So I was really glad and happy, that it looks good enough anyway, even when it does not have the appearance i tried for (Textures much to flat, lights not completly resolved...)
But, nether the less - it was great fun!
Thank you,
I am still wondering what was that dark brown object????I thought it was mouldy cheese...:) you got my vote
No molding cheese at all - it is a very dark red, no brown (i hate that colour!).
But for sure - i have really no idea what it really is - i made it just to figure out
what is possible, it should be just something erratic.
If i can spare the time, i will let it cook a little longer- maybe then it looks better.
Ciao, Thorsten