advanced rendering for AutoCAD
terrace proposal in Lagos, Nigera
Here mostly the curb is higher than the grass, when the grass is higher the lawn is believe to be unkempt. But I believe it could do with some displacement or ground cover procedural mapping.
You are right about the trees, the client was virtually breathing down my neck on this one, now the elevation have to be change to look like another design he like the elevation but prefer my plans, so inputs you suggested will be noted.
As to the RPC's i just put them in as the default height is ok but when viewed closer they are ok but from far off always looks smaller I believe they are not scaling well with the perspective view, will investigate.
Thanks and me am doing as fine as the Nigerian economy allows.
Hi Akin, how you doing? One thing is to rise the level of the grass in the front, it looks strange 15 cms. below the curb. Also, I think i will get rid of the vertical trees in the left side of the image, I think some small shrubs is a better idea, if you can i will move the camera so the roof is not so close to the image border. (on the left side).
The other thing is related with the playground scale and the RPC people. Check if this is OK, it looks really small. My two cents. :-)
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