AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Amigos, alguien podria asesorarme sobre los beneficios y/o perjuicios de usar conjuntos de texturas en los renders... Mejoran la calidad? los vuelven mas lentos? son mas pesados? poco practicos? en fin les agradeceria toda la informacion que me pudieran compartir

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The texture set utility assists in assembling sets of texture images like those offered at Typically, those textures come with a diffuse map (the base texture image), a bump map image, and a specular map (typically used for glossiness).

When you use the texture set tool, you select all images associated with the material and it will assemble them in the nXt material.  The benefit is that it makes building materials from a set of maps much easier.

ok. Kevin...eso hace mas pesado el dibujo ? mas tardado el proceso de renderizado?

It's just another way to build the material file. It, in itself, won't make the rendering time any greater or effect your systems performance. The images used to create the material could though depending on their size and resolution.

Arroway produces some very realistic and very large texture maps. THIS wood for example is 6000px x 8000px (48mpx). Thats larger then most of my final renderings. They do offer a sample texture set that is lower resolution of 3000px x 360px.

Entonces no conviene comprar la paqueteria de Arroway? Gracias Kevin, aprecio tu tiempo y tus atenciones para mis dudas. Estoy a tus ordenes.

It's a very good product-- you can purchase it if you like it.  You will want to downsample their textures using photoshop for most of your uses (Arroway recommends doing this.)  For example, you could bring the 6000 x 8000 resolution map mentioned above into photoshop (or whatever photo editor you use) and resize the map to 600 x 800 or so which will be adequate for most nXt uses.


You can try some of their low-res samples before purchasing.

I'm not telling you to buy or not...

The lower resolution image are intended to be samples and not used for professional work. Are they used professionally, SURE.

If theres something you like there and you need the high resolution image, I'm sure Arroway would appreciate the financial support they get by your purchase. :)




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V01 - dark 02

"Those are all very nice pictures Maciej, well done! Are those renewed older buildings or new housing development?"
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Render 1 copy (1)

This is a remake of one of Peter Milner's scenes. I dont have the file. I photo-matched it in sketchup and rendered in nxt render for autocad.I just retouched it and increased the resolution.
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OYEBANJI EMMANUEL posted a photo

Render 1

This is a remake of one of Peter Milner's renders.I dont have the file. I photo-matched the scene in sketchup and rendered with nxt render in autocad.I replicated it.
Dec 18, 2023

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