AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Hi I use AutoCAD Architecture and have been having on going problems with a recessed can light block. I have completed 3 renderings now in which I have had to spend days trying to get my recessed lighting to work. Other lights work, and occasionally some of the can recessed lights will show up. I have exploded the block and added them individually, I have aimed the light and rotated it every which way, but most of the time nothing works.  I have tested out the problem on my current rendering and it seems as though NXT keeps reading the light object ( a can) opening as closed. It shows as open in hidden view and I have larger can lights of the same nature that are working. Is this just a fluke thing I will always have to deal with? Or has someone deal with something similar?

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Can you send us a model where this is happening, to see if we can duplicate it here?

As small a model as possible would be appreciated.

You can use this link to send it to us:



Just sent. Thank you for the quick response!

Unfortunately, the model was still just too large for my machine. After about 15 minutes I had to turn off the computer so that I could do something else while it was rendering..

Could you give me any idea of where the lights are that don't work? Perhaps I could copy them to a new model to see if I can duplicate the problem.

I apologize, they are the smaller can lights on right soffit side of the arched ceiling, the bigger ones on the opposite side (left) are working correctly. They do work when the light source is pulled out of the can object or out of the soffit, so please be sure to keep some entities.

I see that if I turn the soffit layer off, that those can lights on the right are working. So I assume the soffit is blocking the light.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to try moving the can lights down for some reason.

I can try looking into this some more next week.

Ended up deleting the "can" material surrounding the lights. They're small enough that you don't notice. Here is the final render.

Great! Looks good!




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OYEBANJI EMMANUEL replied to LUIS CONTI's discussion AccurenderNXT for AutoCAD - urgent help please
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