advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Tell me more please...............
Roy ,we need to creat a youtube video showing how some of the software features works!
Here, Here
Very impressive.
Ground cover like that needs youtube ..are you going to make one?
This one it;s very, very, very gooooood!!!!! Yes we need to create a video tutorials, share materials and objects with nxt materials. I think that its possible upload it at Accustudio page Daniel?
thanks guys....don we need some kind of software to do tutorials??? i am all for it,i can do one or two...:)
To which I believe, Accustudio will readily accept.
Yes, we have a dozen tutorials at AccuStudio and have plenty of room for more. The tutorials are ol' school, but they don't have to be. Shoot me an email Mike and we can go over the details.
well i was thinking a small video (youtube) to show how you can do a photo realistic ground cover, or a tutorial showing how to do ivy gen and import it to nxt...stuff like that can improve the visual aspect of any scene...:)
If you want to send me the few highlighted steps (I don't need much, just a general direction), I will be glad to put together a video tutorial. I'm getting better about checking accustudio email... it is info at
Tried sending light fixtures to you but the email seems to bounce back alot of times not even going at all.