AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Added Combine Path Tracings... option to the Image Editor and made the farm use this method when you send it single frame Path Tracings.  See what's new for more.  A farm build to clean up a couple bugs is coming soon (today?).

This feature seems to be working pretty well, but it will need some testing.  It's pretty powerful for those of you using the Path Tracer.  With this option, you can:

  • Add additional passes to any Path Tracing later on by combining the resulting .nXtImages.
  • Continue processing in the event of a power outage or other interruption (provided you have autosaved an .nXtImage.)  Just start the rendering again and combine the autosave result and the new result.
  • Send a single frame job back to the farm for more work and combine the old and new results.

Path Tracer only.





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As far as I understood, it should work like the old radiosity process in AR3-4. Once a radiosity file was charged, it was possible to go on with the calculation to refine the image.

But now you won't be able to see directly the continuity of the process because the patch work is done by image editor. Am I understanding right, Roy?

No-- it doesn't work anything like the old radiosity process.  It's not "continuing" anything-- it's just starting again.  However, when you combine the results of both runs, you will get an equivalent image as if you had let it render the entire time.

You're correct in that you won't be able to see how fully converged the images are until you combine them in the Image Editor.



Thanks Roy, that was exactly what I meant. Sometimes my english could appear too poetic to go through the point!!

Just to clarify-- the process for combining images is as follows:


  1. Open the source image in the Image Editor.
  2. Select Image->Arithmetic->Combine Path Tracings...
  3. Select the images you wish to combine with the current image.  Do not select the current image.
  4. Processing may take a few seconds-- when it's finished you should see a more converged image.


There is a small bug in that the Combine Path Tracings option is enabled even when an image has not been opened.  I'm in the process of fixing this.

esta combinacion de path trace, se puede hacer con archivos generados a partir de ahora (nuevos) o bien aunqeu sean generados tres meses atras?

combine unos antiguos y no encontre diferencia sustancial

You can use old ones as well.

Try a short path tracing as an experiment.  Just let it run a few minutes.  Save it off.  Generate a new one-- also a few minutes-- and combine it with the older one.  You should see a substantial difference.


Obviously the more converged an image already is, the more subtle the differences will be.

Gracias Roy, dejeme intentarlo. saludos
Roy, ya realice la combinacion de dos path trace con exito. Gracias

Does it mean that if you do 2 times the same render (20 pass for exemple), you will never obtain the same result, exactly. Every pass have randomized settings. we could find two pass which have the same result, as we could win at the lotto game... ;o)

But the more you have pass, the more the two final result will be the same...?

Yes, each rendering is unique.  The chances of repeating a rendering over 20 passes is much, much smaller than winning a national lottery.  And yes, convergence means that all of these tend towards the same answer.




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