advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Where is all the light coming from?
Just use the lights that are supposed to be there and once the rendering has run, play with the brightness and contrast settings to make it dark.
In addition a night HDRi might help too.
From the four corners of the lamplight illuminate points.
Akinlolu olugboji, thank you for your share.
Started with the Exterior preset. Turned the sun off. Turned lights on. Changed the number of Channels to 2. Set the Visible background to black. Rendered. Set channel 0 to 0.001 (1/1000 of the daytime sky). Set the Brightness to -0.35 Set the Saturation to 0.85 to mimic night vision.
akinlolu olugboji,Thank you for your guidance, according to your method.
Things are getting and we can see that this is an interior situation unless the ceiling open skywards, I suggest switching to interior light preset, which switches off the sun and sky. Also more light is needed, area lights to act as diffusers from the ceiling apart from the ones from the lamps also increase the indirect bounce to 2. Wall tiles assign with glossy shaders with 0.2 for both intensity and shininess, with 0.7 for Fresnel.