advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I am a new user for NXT. I have had earlier versions of Accureneder and a Pan view was always a favorite tool for architecture. My clients could really feel the space when insode and being able to control the movement. I still have the pC version of Imove viewer and it seems to work well with the walk about Panoramic Jpegs.
Many of my clients are on Macs. Does anyone know a pan veiwer that reads the panoramic distorted Jpegs that NXT creates?
Thank you
OH... :)
One I like using is Pano2QTVR. it writes a mov file that I think is compatible on either side.
They have a desktop droplet that lets you drop jpgs on it and get a .mov in return.
Thanks to all who responded I think we got it working
good presentation today with the new images