advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I have a problem with proper rendering of a 3D model texturized using materials prepared in AutoCAD material editor.
AutoCAD texturized materials with finish bumps and/or relief patterns are rendered by nXt as flat textures - bumps/relief settings set in AutoCAD material editor are ignored by nXt during rendering. Is this normal situation? Do I have to prepare materials with bumps from scratch in nXt material editor?
nXtRender reads some properties from AutoCAD materials - but very few.
nXtRender is designed to work best with its own nXt Materials. You can either build your own from scratch, or start with the materials in the nXt Material Library. May of these have textures, bumps, reflection settings, etc.
Any powerful materials, using advanced material properties, should be created a nXt Materials.
Working with AutoCAD Architectural makes it tricky, because some of AEC elements use acad materials. Anyway, creating nXt materials is worth trying.
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We pick up some things from AutoCad materials - e.g. color and image based textures.
We could add reflection, and a coulple mor easy ones.
A "trick" we use for some of our other products - such as Revit - is to automatically load a .nXtMaterial material from certain folders if it has the same name. That way, if you reuse AutoCAD materials you can automatically render them using a nXt material.
Let me know if that would help.