advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi guy,
I have this model done mostly with 3Dfaces but the render shows strange white lines in the corners where surfaces meet. Does anybody have an idea on how to solve it?
Some of that may be due to the problems I mentioned which will be fixed in the next build.
Right, so let's wait for next version.
Thanks again Roy.
Still haven't found anything wrong with the displacements re: the "combed" look of the grass in the Path Tracer. I've got one bitmap that also exhibits similar behavior. I suspect the Path Tracer may be more sensitive to imperfections in the tiling for some reason. Other bitmaps work fine in both engines.
Veo qeu ya estas usando NORMAL MAPS...
Roy, you mean the displacement map or the diffuse one? I'll try with another one and see the result. Thanks
The problem is the displacement map. Use the grass material I sent, for example. Use the new build.