advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Small bug with the OpenDCL interface used in coMotion. If you downloaded and installed coMotion between 11/20/16 and 11/21/16 (yep just one day) you will need to 'downgrade' the OpenDCL. Go to Accustudio and follow the instructions. Use the link below. Cheers!
Testing coMotion out. Nice. I got a quality animation, right out of the box! Nice work!
Question: Back in AR3 (and maybe 4) we used to be able to output a wire frame or hidden version. Maybe a preview? Can we still do this? I see a Export Preview on the Animation tab, but cant figure it out.
This was a great way to test the animation for speed, view and path without having to do a full render.
for example
Keep in mind this is an old, unfinished animation. Not an "inspirational animation" yet. Long way to go :)
I think I did add in a Preview... at least the controls. I'll look into the output if it is not functioning correctly.
I realized after writing this post, that something was running in the background. I had it set for pngs, but nothing was in the destination folder. Whatever it was, took a while to do nothing. :)
Off to run a much smaller test...
I see how to get it to "play" the animation, but don't have controls to record/save the animation.
I did some digging this morning and if "Export Preview" is checked, it is suppose to write the image files. But even in my simple test it was not. Possibly something to do with the newer AutoCAD. I will continue to look into it have it fixed in the next build (hopefully by Monday).
I was running Acad 2015
I do all of my testing in 2014... same issue. Originally programmed for 2009 (I think)
coMotion Build 015 is posted and ready to download. I think I found why Previews were not exporting. If you check the box, setup the file permitters and then click play, it should export the individual images.
Any help files for comotion?
thanks, wonder how I missed it. Also I keep having to appload before I can run it. Secondly can we have have a shorter command comonxt is rather long to type.
Will Comotion work on the Farm?