advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hello again!
I have a new problem and it is probably a Windows 10 fault.
I can't see the previous material (thumbnails) in the windows explorer.
See the print screen I attached
Thank you
I think I had the same issue when in went to windows 8. I think I remember a post with a dll update tool that Al loaded. A quick search found my post and a (broken) link back to the update.
It did mention Sage Thumbs. A windows utility that improved thumbnails. Not sure this free program fixes it, but I do love this tool. Converts graphics with just a right click.
Your right Kevin, I remember, this is not the first time from me too, but I don't remember it was with wich OS.
Is it only me using Windows 10 and nXtRender ?
Thank you for Sagethumb link
I upgraded.... for an hour. Then 1/2 of my software stopped working. If it couldn't confirm that I owned the programs, it stopped them from running. Also, I think I was the only one who actually liked the start screen.
Windows 8.1 runs my acad 2002, 2004, facade and older versions of Accurender (ar3 & 4).
I see no reason to go to 10
I have a strong laptop Asus G750 and all of my program working well in Windows 10 but I was with Autocad 2012 and doesn't work. I tried Autocad 2015 but I'm not shure I will like the new ribbon layout. nXtRender working too after Roy tell me the solution of my problem about the "Trusted Location" feature.