"Muy buen modelo para empezar. No puedo tomar el crédito por eso. Se trata de un archivo skp. He encontrado en Internet y había Kevin trandlate para mí un archivo Acad que podría utilizar."
Good day everyone.Does anyone here know how to create light streaks in ACCURENDER studio or in nxt render ? Please share your knowledge with me. Light streaks for interior ceilings in the p.o.p works and under, a t.v console. See More
I created this replication of one of Peter Milner's renders, not with AI but with sketchup (with the matchnewphoto tool), autocad and nxtrender.Critics and comments are welcome.
Good day everyone.I have been working for sometime on a V.R panorama project. Its a personal project. I used sketchup to model and imported it into arstudio and rendered 6 panorama views at 3k pixel.Check it out here…See More
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