advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Dear: I downloaded the latest version of AccurenderNXT (1.0.354) and after installation as shown when position in the command line is indicated to be an evaluation version. Deputy capture image. What is the problem? I have bought the product on August 28, 2013. Being my license number is: xxxxxxxxx. Best regards.
Please don't post license #'s on line-- I just sent a message to the RenderPlus guys-- they should respond her shortly. It is likely that this license has expired.
Your license will need to be renewed to work with the latest release of nXtRender.
You can renew your license at this link:
Then you will be able to run the latest version of nXtRender, and all new releases for the next 12 months.
I get this every time I launch NXT, but when I tell it to check and validate it tells me Authorized version.
Thanks for the info. But should clarify in Accurender page just says:
nXtRender for AutoCAD (Windows only)
Use These downloads if you Renewed your nXtRender Purchased license or after January 1, 2013. (10 character Your license will start with XA). For a version of nXtRender Which will work with old licenses nXt use the second set of download links below)