advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I would like to get your opinion on the problem we face back from old AR3 days and we feel it has not been resolved yet:
These two points basically outline the general problem with renderings (and photographs too): to show the scope that is peceived by human observer, you have to use too wide lenses with too much distortion. The result looks unrealistic.
So I would like to ask: would it be possible to automate this task somehow? What do you think?
Adding a cylindrical projection to WalkAbout would be pretty easy-- this could approximate what are often called "panoramic" photos in point-and-shoot type cameras. Not promising anything-- include some images here to show what you're looking for.
That would be nice...and what about spherical projection? Is it possible? Attached file shows an example of a panorama interior image - how we do it now. It would be perfect to make the process easier
We could try both. Nice image, BTW. We could use some of these for the gallery if you're willing.