advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Dear Roy/Peter and other veterans. How can I create an online archive or similar where I can place some materials I have made which could be beneficial to a lot of newbie and veteran users. Some of these materials go a long way to bring a realism in my renders.
Any thoughts?
accustudio Daniel Hargreaves...
Thanks Mike, I didn't know Accustudio was still Alive, I'll do that.
Neither do I. The last Accustudios update was in April 2013.
We do have a content and entourage page here as well. I can add a zip file or two to the page if you like.
Sure, how do we proceed with this? Some Procedural Materials are pretty large.
Just zip them up and use the upload link under support. Make sure they don't contain proprietary textures.
Great thanks, let me prepare them during the weekend.
Using Textures created from Images from a Product Site should be ok I presume?
Usually-- particularly since you're not selling anything.
Good initiative, Sampdoria! I would like to have access to this library. I will also bring my contributions when making such good material like these.
Ok, Tiles Catalogue Uploaded!