advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I'm moving an old Acad2004 with AR4 installation over to a new computer. I opened an old rendering on the new computer and noticed most of the AccuStudio materials were missing in the Materials tab... so I'm guessing I need to reinstall all that stuff.
I remember being able to download material and plant libraries from the old AccuStudio website. I looked there and it appears the "old stuff" has all been converted to the current format. Anybody know where I can get the old format AccuStudio MLIB and PLIB libraries?
We don't have any installations for AR4 or distributions for the AccuStudio libraries.
We don't think McNeel has anything either.
Do you have the old libraries on backup or on the old machine?
Thanks, Al. I checked and I didn't copy the old folder over and path it. Got it now.
I've got the new .ArPlant files that I think came with the download of that little Plant Editor program. They're OK, but it would be great to have trees as nice as the ones AccuStudio used to let you download as a .PLIB... especially the old Honeylocusts they had. I still drag some of my models back into Acad2004 so I can use AR4 to add some of those really nice trees via the AR3 dialog boxes that AR4 lets you use. Contorted process, but it still works. Any chance anyone knows of someone who's been creating new, really nice .ArPlants for AR5?
I've posted the AccuStudio Plants version 7.1. It was the last version before the migration to nXt. You can download the PLIB & Materials at AccuStudio.
I sent a private email for a direct link to download the old AR3/4 libraries. For a couple of years we have been doing the installs and updates through AccuStudio Desktop, however the latest migration that appears to be broken. I will update the links in the near future