advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I have a drawing that refuses to render on the Farm.
It is quite a large model, but I have rendered bigger.
The nodes have 36Gb RAM each.
As the model loads, the RAM usage slowly climbs to around 18Gb and then drops back down to 2Gb and then starts to climb again. So it never gets to start any rendering.
I can render it on my local machine which has 24Gb RAM and it only clocks up to 8Gb usage before it starts rendering.
I'm happy to give it a try here-- but I'm not too optimistic. I don't have anything with enough horsepower to debug this.
I've sent the drawing to you.
Got it-- I'll take a look in a couple of days unless you need me to boost the urgency. Again, I'm not sure if I can solve this one here.
Don't worry Roy. By a process of elimination, I found the objects causing the problem. No idea why, but when I removed them, the render ran fine.
Thanks-- is it easy to describe which objects caused the problem? If you can I would appreciate it when you get a change. That will permit me to attempt to process those objects in isolation. I'm much more likely to find the problem that way.
I copied the objects from a previous drawing which appears to have had an error in it. This glitch must have been copied across to the new drawing, causing the problem.
OK-- for now we'll call it an AutoCAD problem. If something like this resurfaces, let me know, and we'll take a closer look.