advanced rendering for AutoCAD
As well as reflective decals not working, I've just discovered that transparent decals don't work either.
The holes in the metal panels in the attached image are supposed to be see-through. This renders correctly on my local machine, but not on the Render Farm.
I've also noticed that the mapping has gone wrong, but is again correct on my local machine.
Thanks. It's very likely the same problem, and the same fix. Not as confident in the mapping issue yet.
Is there any chance you can look at these issues soon as I have a large project of 30+ high res renders to do over the next few weeks and they all need to be run on the render farm.
I can leave the problem renders to last, but ultimately I will need to run them.
I'm sure we can get it fixed-- it's probably fixed already. You'll certainly need build 344 or better.
In any case, send a drawing if you want me to test it here. Include the decal.
Can I get an example drawing?-- include the decal please.
Here you go.
The mapping issue only happens on curved surfaces.
Here's the same scene with a curved panel in it.
Try again
Any update on the cylindrical mapping issue yet?