AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Hi all.

I have recently downloaded the evaluation version of nXt, in the hope that I can produce some renders to convince my boss to part with some of his cash.

I'm actually hoping to get a computer system more suited to rendering, as well as getting the full nXt render software.


I have attached one of my first attempts. (please remember, this is the evaluation version, so limited resolution)


Any advice/tips would be most welcome. Incidentally, I have only started trying to produce renders of any kind in the last month, so try to word your replies as if you were explaining to a ten year old !


Many thanks



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This is already looking pretty nice-- great for a beginner.  What build? which engine?  what special settings apart from the default? what do you see as the problems in this image?

Thanks Roy. I don't particularly see any problems, but thought those with a more trained eye might notice one or two things that I could try which may improve the overall image.

It was done with path tracer. I will attach the nXt image as I assume that will give you more detail.


Thanks for the response.


I would expect to see better convergence with this one at 1000 passes.  Were you using Build 261 -- the most recent "experimental" build?  This could make a big difference in convergence rate.  You could probably eliminate some of the noise by modeling the fluorescent fixtures a little more simply.  I would probably use the default sun and sky for daylighting rather than an HDRI.  If you want to attach the model (or upload it if it's too big) I can take a run at it.

Yes, I think it is the most recent build Roy. I downloaded it roughly 10 days ago and have been playing with it since then. I'll try to upload the drawing so you can have a look. Also it would be nice to see what the finished article would look like. A good before and after render to convince "the boss" !

Here's an example of using artificial lighting with simple rectangles for the luminaires.  Still slow-- but better convergence.  I screwed up one of the lights in the back.


Daylighting this one is another matter.  This is a very difficult space to simulate daylighting-- all of the daylight enters through very small, difficult to find, openings.  I returned this one to default daylighting settings and let it run overnight-- it's nowhere near done.  It does point out at least one material problem-- the sharp reflections on the walls.


Here's the daylighting one with a little more brightness:

Thanks Roy, they all look great.

I think I will model up something a little smaller to practice on as my computer is painfully slow. I need to get to grips with modifying reflections on materials, along with understanding HDRi, Channels, Alpha Channel, Monte Carlo.......... etc.


Thanks again for your help.

I hope to be ordering soon!

Don't worry about most of these settings.  Stick to the defaults when you can.  Use the Path Tracer if you have time.  If you want to render both daylighting and interior lighting use this procedure and set the # of Channels to 2.  If you haven't messed around with anything, your lights will go in 1 and your daylighting in 0.  Ask questions.

When doing testing of the effects of different settings a lot of users model a plane with a cylinder and a sphere sitting on the plane.

I commonly use a rectangle, a sphere, and a cylinder setting on a plane to see the effects on curved and flat surfaces of different material and light settings.

The simpler the model the faster you get immediate results to compare different settings.

Thanks Roy and Chas. All good tips for me to work on next week.

Now I'm off to the pub. Cheers!

Spill a pint for me!
Another tip. This I got from Peter, is to render without the furnitures when doing interiors. This way you get fast result this way. When you are satisfy then add the furnitures and render over night.




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