AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

I have a problem with nxt cutting off tips of my roof. I made a quick test dwg and rendered the model in nxt and in autocad. If you look at the tips you will notice a notch cut out of it on the nxt render. The same physical model in autocad renders fine with a full roof. Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

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Send the model if you can.  Either attach here or use the Upload options under support.

I have tried a couple of times posting the dwg here to no avail. I uploaded it using the support function and it said it went through

Got it.  There is a size limit for forum attachments.

I'll try to take a look at this soon-- but I'm pretty busy at the moment.

This one has some extruded arcs which we do not support in nXt.

Any chance this will be on a future to-do list since I kind of need it for my job and other than this limitation have been incredibly happy with nxt

Perhaps-- but not anytime soon.  It is pretty easy to change these to an object type that is recognized.  Probably the easiest is just to type EXTRUDE and type in the height (set your UCS to the object first.)  You'll a get an extruded surface which will be recognized by nXt-- you can optionally delete the original arc.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! That solved the problem marvelously and am now back to work. This makes it so much better than having to hand touch up my renders afterwards!!!!!




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00001 copy

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