advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hello All,
Installed newest NXTrender 64-bit on two new identical windows 7 64-bit machines with Autocad Architecture 2011 64-bit.
The armaterial thumbnails show up on one machine but not the other. I've tried registering the .dll as discussed in previous forum topics, but that does not work. Have also uninstalled and re-installed on the machine to no avail. Any other ideas?
Which .dll did you try registering and what was the result? You can run regsvr32 as many times as you want without hurting anything. Make sure you logoff/on after you resgister it.
I tried to register the ArMatThumb.dll first, also tried ArMatThumb64.dll.
I had at first tried running the reg.thumb.bat which came up with the error "The module "ArMatThumb64.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005".
After that was when I ran the regsvr32 command in administrator mode. again using both .dll's mentioned above. Message that came up was "The module armatthumb.dll failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found"
Have also logged off/on since.
Try one more time just to make sure-- I think you're on the right track. The file you need to register is armatthumb64.dll-- don't bother with the other one. It must be run from an elevated command prompt.
Try the following:
Let me know if you get any error messages.
I seems to have the same issues for AutoCad 2007 on a Win 8.1 64bits machine. Which way to go.
Great that worked! Thank you very much.