advanced rendering for AutoCAD
good morning
after your help to configure the internal render, now I have installed to render farm, to make the video to the client.
my question is this: while the 3 pc'm at work, I can close autocat on the main pc?
hello roy
I was doing with the render farm, it happened that a computer program was released, and now (after a reboot) when I click on the icon will not start again!
the operating system and windows 7
I'm not sure what you mean-- this isn't translating well. In particular, what does it mean "a computer program was released". Try the message in the original Italian if you want. Include screen captures so I know which icon you mean.
ciao roy
google translate non ha funzionato bene, volevo dire:
mentre era in funzione il client render farm su uno dei 2 pc, improvvisamente si è interrotto. ora, anche dopo il riavvio del pc, il programma render far non riparte più
Was it in the middle of a farm job when it was interrupted? How was it interrupted? Did it crash on its own or did someone stop it? What do you mean it won't restart? Very specifically, what actions are you taking to try to restart it?
si, era nel mezzo di un lavoro, e non so come si è interrotto; e' scomparso il pc dal farm monitor, e me ne sono accorto.
facendo doppio click sull'icona, il programma non mi appare sulla barra di windows
Did you suspend all of the jobs using the Farm Monitor? Try that first, if not. When you start a farm node, it should appear as an icon in the system tray. It should also appear on the Farm Monitor.
I did stop system and log in with another account!!
I now have the icon near the clock to win, also came out on the monitor farm and started the work.
you have lost all your data? or restart from where it stops?
Hard to say. When things go wrong on the farm they can sometimes really go wrong.