Ever since I installed CS5, I lost my hdr thumbnail display in explorer. I remember a fix for this a while back in the AR4 forums, but I can find it. Had something to do with regsvr32 and loading a dll??? Anyone?
I have the same problem, but I have installed nothing, just 225 64bits. It happens with the thumbnails of the new nXt trees that I just downloaded. Unfortunetly I swaped my olds which was the same. I will try to restart Win 7...
I restart, nothing happens. It seems that plant editor can't find some leaves, some barks, some flowers and all the thumbnails. Nevertheless, before to swap my precedent library of nXt plant, nXt had the good path... I don't understand.
Kevin's HDR thumbnail issue which started the thread has nothing really to do with nXt. We're not currently providing a thumbnail generator for HDRs. That's why he marked the thread as "OT" for "Off Topic".
Your thumbnail issue is usually an installation issue. Sometimes an nXt install will replace the thumbnail viewer which is loaded by Windows Explorer. This happened recently when I switched compilers. Most of the time, Windows handles this installation correctly by shutting down Explorer during the install and restarting it at the end. Occasionally this process hiccups. Normally, logging off and back on fixes it. Let me know if you're still having problems viewing nXt material and plant thumbnails in Explorer.
The issue you just brought up may have something to do with the Plant Editor not finding certain items. I don't quite understand it yet.
Send an example of both a material and plant file that isn't showing up-- only one of each please. Use the upload page if it's too large for an email attachment. I'll look at it tomorrow when I get back.
Now all materials and plants are not showing in explorer. Will uninstall and reinstall Nxt again as a check if the result is still the same will upload the files.
Both of these display fine here. Uninstalling and reinstalling the software probably won't do anything. You can log off and back on and see if that helps. I haven't checked the 32 bit thumbnail viewer for a while-- it's possible that it isn't working. I'll check a little later.
I'm unable to get explorer thumbnails from either of these 2 files, even after opening and saving. I do have other materials (older) that will show thumbs though.
Gentlemen,The last file I used to load, was ArAcad_24_64.arx, and, unfortunately, it doesn't work with Acad 2025.Any idea how to get the proper nXt-App which suits Acad 2025?Any help appreciated...Regards, Maciej MarkowskiSee More
Good day, forum members,I was thinking that we could each, if interested, contribute a significant token to give Peter Milner and David to train us virtually in nxt render for Autocad. Am not sure he still uses it but the experience he has spanning over 20 years cannot be underestimated. I wish the forum co-ordinators could look into this. So that more of us will produce realistic renders with the paid version of nxt render and we will be able to encourage other users of other more advanced…See More
Good day everyone.Does anyone here know how to create light streaks in ACCURENDER studio or in nxt render ? Please share your knowledge with me. Light streaks for interior ceilings in the p.o.p works and under, a t.v console. See More