AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Ich habe unter AR3 füher schon sehr viele Panorama Videos erstellt

Leider funktioniert der Smoothmoove nur unter 32 Bit. Gibt es auch eine 64 Bit Variante oder wie kann ich meine alten Panarama Videos unter Win 7 64 Bit anschauen?

Gibt es evtl. ein Ersatzprogramm welches diese Panorama Videos unter Win 7 64 Bit lesen kann??


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Interesting question.  I can't quite remember, but these may have been jpg's with additional data added to the file.  See if you can rename the file extension from .pan to .jpg and open it in an image editor.  If you can do that a bunch of programs should be able to view them.  If it's keeping a bunch of images in a single file you may be out of luck.

These guys claim to be able to read the format directly.

Wird es denn für AR 5 mal möglich sein, so wie bei AR3 das man in AR5 direkt Panaoramavideos erzeugen kann??

Wäre so etwas zu programmieren oder ist das zuviel Zeitaufwand?? Wenn es geht wäre es toll.

Das wäre super, da ich Kunden habe die das gerne haben möchten.

Und das beste wäre dann, wenn dieser Panorama Viewer nicht nur AR5 Pan Dateien sondern auch die alten AR3 Pan Dateien anzeigen könnte.


I'm not sure what you're asking.

Panoramic projections can be generated using WalkAbout.  Many different products (at many different prices-- including free) are available to read these.  There are no plans to include any of these, or our own, with nXt.  See the links below for more info.

I do not want to render only 10 images and then convert it to a converter in a panoramic video.
Is it not possible to produce the so-AR3 directly in a panoramic video?
Why should I make a detour when it also went straight into AR3? The program is not in AR 5 or why?


I'm still not sure what you're asking, the translation is poor.

You do not have to render multiple images to generate a single panorama.  Panoramic projections are available in WalkAbout.  Panoramic viewers are not included with nXt.

I don't know if this could help you, but take a look, it is usefull.

It concerns me is not the panoramic viewer, but I've been running in 64 bit Smooth Move on.
It is more about me, I can also create files in AR5 pan directly.
Is something programmatically possible to program in the AR5?


The translations are still terrible.  It's very hard to tell what it is you're asking.  Leave the message in German, it may work better.

If the viewer isn't the problem, I'm not sure I understand what is.  Do you want to create linked panoramas?  If so, that's possible using 3rd party software.




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