advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi guys, I need to do a panorama for an interior, the model is about 60 MB. I am using windows 7 64 bits, in an old core quad with 4 GB of Ram, I need to get at least medium quality . I am going to use the jpg file with Pano2qtvr. Any suggestion will be trully aprecciated. BTW I am making a still rendering of this space in 1024 x 768 and I think I will need about 20 hours to got 1000 passes.
Thanks in advance.
Hola Alejandro, depende mucho del uso que vas a hacer con el panorama: proyeccion, mirarlo en la pantalla, ecc. Por ejemplo, si lo vas a transformar en QuickTime para verlo en pantalla, sugiero una resolucion igual a la pantalla.
Gracias Miguel.
No, por nada. Un placer compartir informaciones utiles!
Si quieres hacer una prueba, este es 4000x2000 pixel.
Gracias Miguel, lo voy a revisar, sin embargo viendo el post de Roy no se si va ser demasiado y los tiempos de renderizado se me pueden ir a las nubes (y no exactamente a cloud rendering).
This would be a good one for cloud rendering-- which is getting close to ready (probably not in time for your job, though.)
2000 x 1000 should work OK-- about 2.5x the 1024 x 768.
Just for fun-- using your estimate we're talking about 200 core hrs. which might cost about $65 US. Our lowest core choice-- 40 would render it in 5 hrs. 160 cores would take a little more than an hr. (not sure if this will cost more.)