advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I put my course of action recorded a video , to help me see what went wrong , thank you.
Roy Hirshkowitz, hello , how to find out what the problem?
I can't read the shockwave file you sent without downloading the player-- which I don't have time for right now. Resending the video as avi or mov might work. I am going to be traveling for a few days-- so I probably won't be able to look until next week at the earliest.
This isn't the type of problem I can usually fix, in any case. It's almost certainly an AutoCAD issue. It's possible I may be able to offer some advice that will work better if I understand the problem a little better.
Okay, I'll upload an AVI video to you, thank you for your help .
This one won't play.
Roy Hirshkowitz, Hello , I sent you a GIF image should be all right .
This one I did manage to view successfully.
I tried all of the steps in the animation and was not able to reproduce the problem. After saving and re-opening it rendered fine. This is ACA2013-- so it certainly could be happening in 2012-- but it's almost certainly an AutoCAD problem and there's likely nothing I could do anyway even if I could make the proiblem happen here.
Your best bet is to use the simple workaround of creating another surface displaced a small amount (1-2mm ?) from the original.
Good , Roy Hirshkowitz, thank you for your answers patiently .