advanced rendering for AutoCAD
From experience I get more success rate from using AutoCad's 3dsin command than via Nxt's, "Textured Mesh Object Add" command. I must note that Nxt does a better importation than native AutoCad 3dsin, in that all map are well oriented, while 3dsin cannot even find these maps.
So Roy, can we have the object where Nxt imports textured mesh objects, with material assigment as, "By Layers" instead of, "By Object" as it presently does. This will help in easier reassigment of materials, as now one has to completly configure a particular material instead of just replaceing it if it where done by layers.
Here are sample file of an object from 3d warehouse, exported from sketchup as a 3ds file. Then imported into AutoCad via 3dsin(3dsin vanity.dwg) and via Nxt(Nxt vanity.dwg)
Original 3sd file with maps also included.
Will the Tailors Tools work with AutoCad 2010, as I use to use them way back in AutoCad 2004.
Further exploding the model into faces will do the trick, but as you point out it in most cases messes up the model.
It works. You'll get a message saying it was made only for version 14 and 2000. Daniel posted a fix for that once, but I forget how. Just click ok and it works fine.
If you're patient, you could probably rotate doors using grips (shift/select) and rotate the doors closed without loosing the mapping then just edit the material maps with a texture of what you want to use (keeping the same name). Or just remodel this object. Its not that complicated of a model.
Glad you figured it out. It would probably be easier to just model it then explain the process :)
Short answer is edit in wireframe. Using stretch or node editing, pull pieces away from the model a set distance and angle, so you know easily put it back. Once all the parts are pulled away, slice using tailor tools and slide pieces back and layer. Many of these models aren't "tight" and if zoomed in really close, you'll see gaps to separate from. You'll need to pull pieces far enough away that you can cut just the link between and not the object.