advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi guys, I just want to know how to configure the use of arroway textures. I hear about scaling down the material in 75 %. When I charge the three different maps in NXt. How I use them? Which configuration for each one (b -d and r)?
Did I use directly the png file or I have to use a jpg file?
Thanks in advance
I reduce by percentage the pixels to maintain proportions, so while the original files are 6000 x 6000 pixels, I use 1500 x 1500.
You must reduce the number of pixels. Obviously, don't discard the hi-res version of the texture-- you paid for it and you may need it someday. For most nXt applications, texture resolutions greater than 1,000,000 pixels (about 1000 x 1000) are not needed. There are exceptions of course.
Thanks Akin, for your detail explanation
You are welcome.