advanced rendering for AutoCAD
MI expliccion fue erronea, Renderizo a 1280x960, es el tamaño estandar para interiores que a mi me sirve (para presentar mis proyectos, es un valor personal). Para un exterior, depende de las dimensiones del proyecto, para poder apreciar los detalles.
Not sure if I got it right Jorge (via google and altavista translate :) ). Did you mean you do your renderings slightly smaller than the final image needed for print in order to obtain smoother edges making it bigger in PS? Wouldn't be images somehow pixelated or blurred after such PS resize? Some approximation artifacts are visible on the image, obviously caused by PS's bitmap scale algorithms I think. Will definitely try that though. Thanks for your replay.
Dicen los grandes rtistas del Render... Que debemos generar una imagen entre un 75% y 85% mas pequeña qeu la impresion final. con esto se logra tener cantos mas suavisados
Gracias por el comentario George. La renderizo por lo general de 1280x960 pixeles. Lo demas lo trabajo en postproduccion de pshop. Muevo curvas, layes, tono saturacion, etc
Great rendering as always Jorge. Just one question: are you doing rendering at lower resolution and later in PS you raise the picture resolution, say 20 or even more % ?
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