advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I had some issues trying to get a new Preview style added. I ended up breaking coMOTION and it took a little longer to fix it. Hopefully I caught everything. Build 012 is ready for download from keep those bugs coming, I have this week off from work and plan on jumping on the long awaited objects. The new features are listed below:
Good job Daniel...we´ll be waiting for the new tools in Comotion 2...
Hallo Daniel
Das ist sehr gut.
3 years of German in High School finally paid off... I figured that out and didn't use babelfish :)
"That is very good"
I found an odd bug... just something to beware of.
If you use an ARC for the camera path and a POINT for the target path, don't place the POINT at the center of the ARC, DVIEW get confused. It is on the bug list to look into it.
Hallo Daniel
Leider habe ich mich etwas zu früh gefreut mit Comotion 012. Ich bekomme Fehlermeldungen siehe Anhang.
Was ist jetzt??????????
Alfons Akamp