advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Downloaded and installed build 013. Did not bother with the, "como_nxt_demand.VLX"and just type comonxt, the first time and on typing, the second time came up with this error, "comonxt ; error: no function definition: dcl_project_load."
What am I doing wrong?
For some reason the OpenDCL will loose it DEMAND load. The simplest thing is to add it to the startup suite in APPLOAD. Below is text from the Help File:
If you receive an error "unknown command OPENDCL" you will need to add the OpenDCL ARX to your startup suite. The file version varies depanding on your version of AutoCAD. The files are located at "C:\Program Files\Common Files\OpenDCL"
Hallo Daniel
Ich habe mir die neue Version 013 herunter geladen und installiert. Auch habe ich die neue OpenDCL Datei herunter geladen und installiert. Soweit läuft auch alles, aber wenn ich in Comotion 013 eine Animation rendere z.B. 10 Bilder stellt er mir nach jedem einzelnen Bild eine Frage ob er das Bild speichern soll?.
Eigentlich müsste es doch so sein das Comotion 013 ohne Nachfrage diese 10 Bilder oder auch mehr speichert.
Was mache ich da falsch???????? Haben andere auch dieses Problem???
Ich habe dieses Problem unter Acad 2010 sowohl unter XP 32 Bit als auch unter Win 7 64 Bit.
Alfons Akamp
Hallo Daniel
Wie kann ich denn Comotion 013 dazu bringen, das er ohne Nachfrage meine Bilder speichert??????????
Alfons Akamp
Well, I'm still don't understand the question. Google translated it to this:
"How can I get comotion 013 cause it saves without asking for my pictures?"
Hi all,
Alfons' question reads:
"How can I then make Comotion 013 save images without prompting (asking)?"
I think he would like to script the rendering command to that it can render an array of images.
- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
It worked now that I have apploaded the opendlc.
CI say build 013 and current is also listed in the perview dropdown list.
Like the Build 012 tread, should you add the OpenDlc file to the Startup Suite, via appload, Startup Suite Contents... button you need not appload it for every new session.
In a nut shell, add the comonxt.vlx and appropiate OpenDlC file to the Startup Suite, you need once type, "Comonxt" once to get the CI to pop up.
The question now is, is there a downside to having CoMotion load with every drawing since the added time to AutoCad start is so small bearly noticsable, and more time in my option is save having to type the command twice. This I believe, will do still you come up with a new solution to it.