I've attached a dwg file with a block of a chair and the same block exploded. Can't seem to get the unexploded block to render...Using version 237 and AutoCAD Architecture 2011. Haven't assigned any materials yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks - John
I believe you need to assign the materials to the objects prior to making the block. If it is an external block you should be able to open that file and apply materials or make changes in the base drawing. Then force the drawing to update the blocks.
Gentlemen,The last file I used to load, was ArAcad_24_64.arx, and, unfortunately, it doesn't work with Acad 2025.Any idea how to get the proper nXt-App which suits Acad 2025?Any help appreciated...Regards, Maciej MarkowskiSee More
Good day, forum members,I was thinking that we could each, if interested, contribute a significant token to give Peter Milner and David to train us virtually in nxt render for Autocad. Am not sure he still uses it but the experience he has spanning over 20 years cannot be underestimated. I wish the forum co-ordinators could look into this. So that more of us will produce realistic renders with the paid version of nxt render and we will be able to encourage other users of other more advanced…See More
Good day everyone.Does anyone here know how to create light streaks in ACCURENDER studio or in nxt render ? Please share your knowledge with me. Light streaks for interior ceilings in the p.o.p works and under, a t.v console. See More