advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hola amigos!
Llevo utilizando Accurender 4 desde que lo adquirí, hace ya muchos años. Lo tenía instalado en mi viejo portatil (sistema operativo: Windows XP 32bit) y trabajaba con él a través de Autocad 2004.
Recientemente he adquirido una nueva estación de trabajo que viene con Windows7/64bit por defecto. He instalado el Autocad 2013 y no sé qué debo hacer para poder utilizar el Accurender 4 en este nuevo entorno. Existe alguna actualización para poder hacer funcionar el AR4 en Autocad 2013?
He estado investigando en vuestro foro y, según he entendido (no estoy demasiado segura de haberlo entendido bien), hay que bajarse el plugin NxT for Autocad, pero este plugin es para licencias NxT anteriores al 1 de junio de 2013 y lo que yo tengo es una licencia de AR4 (CD-Key de 20 dígitos). En cualquier caso, he bajado e instalado el plugin, pero cuando quiero validar la licencia, el programa NO me reconoce mi CD-Key como un código válido.
Estoy obligada a adquirir una nueva licencia? No puedo seguir utilizando mi licencia de Accurender 4?
Os agradecería muchísimo cualquier ayuda!
nXt is new software. You need to obtain new license for it, your old AR4 CD key is only for AR4. So you have to purchase new license for it. There is also another limitation for you. AR4 doesn't run in AutoCAD 2013. Go ahead and get your nXt, you will never look back ;)
Thank you very much for your quick response, George!
I'm sure getting a new nXt license would be much better but, I'm very used to work with AR4 and I just use it once in a while so, I would rather prefer not to have to change to nxt.
Are you aware if I would be able to run AR4 under another Autocad version (maybe 2006, 2007, 2008) without changing my OS (windows 7/64 bits)?
Thank you!
I think AR4 can run fine under AutoCAD up to version 2007. Take a look here. As AutoCAD 2007 and older versions were not 64bit applications it is matter of experiment to install it on 64bit W7 and try to run it in emulation mode of 32bit OS. I remember I managed to run AutoCAD 2005 in compatibility mode on my wife's machine at home, on 64bit OS (W7) but couldn't made it run on her office machine with same OS (inscrutable ways of Providence :) ). It was 2 years ago though, now she'd upgraded her seat to 2013 64bit. Hope all that will help somehow.
George is right, forget AR4 - nXt is far more effective and much better. Renders are significant softer and nicer than ever before. Don't worry about the interface, it's still the good old one. ;)
Thank you so much, guys! I really appreciate your help! Think I'll update to nXT!
I presently run AutoCad 2007 on a Windows 8 machine, to be still is the most stable AutoCad version, only drawback for me is that RPC AutoCAd pluggin started on AutoCad 2008. The new modelling tools and enhance display keeps me doing 3d on AutoCad 2014.
You can give Nxt a try without purchasing a license till the bug bits and you get hooked.
Thank you for your help, Akinlolu! Finally I updated my old license to a new NxT!
Welcome on board.
Dear Elsa, as everyone pointed out, its better to hop onto Nxt for a number of reasons :
1) Its more valid with the 64 Bit Systems and can work with 2008 Autocad onwards
2) Render Quality and Speed is much more superior. I do miss the old Camera Toggles but its easy to get used to.
3) I am using it on a 64 Bit system, Win 7, Autocad 13 and it works great, as it did on my previous Win Vista 64 Bit, Cad 2008.