AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Coming soon-- path tracer only.  Architectural applications are probably limited-- but it's interesting new territory anyway.


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Here's a blend of SSS and procedural marble:


Will do well in certain ceramic tiles


There is very well function of nxt, thank you! :-)

Here's a different use of a similar technology:

Is that fog I see?
In this case, confined to a box 1 meter high.  Uses subsurface scattering techniques...
What's the point of this technology?
I'm not sure I understand the question.  Do you mean "what are the applications?"
I just want to know what exactly your message means - Subsurface scattering - is it some new funcionality in nXt? What's so special on these pictures? What gives this technology?

There's an ok summary of subsurface scattering on Wikipedia.  It's an industry standard term so there's quite a bit about it out there.  Here's another decent article.


Generally speaking, the lighting in nXt and all previous versions of AR occurs at the surface only.  Subsurface scattering is essentially a volumetric technique, where interactions also occur within the medium.  It's required to accurately model materials which we think of as "translucent".  It's also helpful with materials where the light penetrates the surface a little bit-- such as the marble dragons-- and then scatters on its way out.  The feel of the images above would be very difficult to achieve without this technology.


A similar technique can also be used to model other participating media, such as the ground fog above.  This has a very different feel than previous fog implementations.  The technique can be extended to model non-homogenous participating media-- things like smoke or non-uniform fog (clouds?) etc..


Downside is that it can take a long time to resolve these materials-- accurate simulations almost require a path tracer approach.

Thanks a lot for this explanation. Looks promissing.

BTW. I found the Path Tracer the most interesting and valuable feature of nXt. It gives realy soft light (for the first time in whole AR history). But it's not perfect - it's slow - sometimes even hours and houndreds passes don't fix the noisy areas. I'd like to ask you - are you planning to develope this engine? I think it realy worth it.

It is being developed-- subsurface scattering is an example of this.  I'm working on a stand-alone version of the engine as well.

If you mean-- will the performance improve substantially?-- I don't think so.  I don't have any magic wands to wave at the moment.  One of the things I'm going for with this engine is simplicity.  None of the really technical items matter to the path tracer-- for example: Glossy switches, daylight portals, ambient lighting settings, etc.. have no effect.  The combination of this simplicity and the calculation of more light paths slow the thing down-- quite substantially in the case of interior daylighting.  The above mentioned stand-alone has almost nothing to set.

I'm also investigating another engine that has the potential for even more accurate simulations-- probably a little slower, though.

On the bright side-- computers continue to get faster.




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Sergio88 replied to Peter Milner's discussion Windows 11
"Hello, I have a lot of problems with the nXtRender plugin for AutoCAD with AutoCAD 2021 under Windows 11 installed on a new machine (no problem with the same dwg's under windows 10) : - material applyed are not rendered. I have to explode…"
Jun 5
OYEBANJI EMMANUEL posted a discussion

Questions for nxt render for autocad

Good day everyone,Can anyone here help me with these issues i keep having with nxt render for autocad ?1. How do you bring in textured models into autocad ( 3ds and obj) without losing their textures or having to re-assign them.2. How do you move these objects from place to place without experiencing viewport refresh sluggishness in the autocad viewport ?3. How do you add dirt to fabric textures for rendering.4. How do you avoid repeat patterns in textures for rendering ?See More
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George Ioannidis commented on Maciej's photo

V01 - dark 02

"Those are all very nice pictures Maciej, well done! Are those renewed older buildings or new housing development?"
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Maciej posted photos
Apr 16
N` Goraw replied to N` Goraw's discussion ACCURENDER NXT FOR WALKTHROUGHS
"thank you a lot for this"
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OYEBANJI EMMANUEL posted a photo

Render 1 copy (1)

This is a remake of one of Peter Milner's scenes. I dont have the file. I photo-matched it in sketchup and rendered in nxt render for autocad.I just retouched it and increased the resolution.
Dec 20, 2023
OYEBANJI EMMANUEL posted a photo

Render 1

This is a remake of one of Peter Milner's renders.I dont have the file. I photo-matched the scene in sketchup and rendered with nxt render in autocad.I replicated it.
Dec 18, 2023

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