advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hello Roy
I bought nxt 2 or 3 months ago and have a problem:
Whenever i try to render something with a higher resolution than 1024x786 the system runs out of memory and crashes. No matter how big the file is,...
I am runnig windows xp 32bit os, 4gb ram, 2,8ghz 4 core processor, and acad 2010. If i render the same file with the same computer with acad 2004 and Accurender 3 i have no problem at all,....
Is there any solution for my problem?
Otherwise i won't be able to use nxt,... :-(
First let's verify that this is a memory issue and not something else.
Try rendering a simple model-- say a box or a sphere using the default settings. Change the resolution from 300,000 pixels to 3,000,000 pixels and let me know what happens. Don't do anything else that might cause a memory problem like add channels, plants, etc..
I rendered a ball with 3.000.000 pixel with default settings and a solid colour, this worked fine,...
So yes-- it probably is related to 32 bit address space limitation issues and not to resolution per se-- otherwise a very simple model, rendering at hi-res would have failed as well. nXt is more memory intensive than previous versions.
If you haven't done so already, you can try the 3GB switch-- see this article for detailed instructions. This can provide some breathing room and may be enough for you to squeak by. The real solution, of course, is a 64 bit system.
Other than that you can simplify-- simpler models, fewer plants, lower res, fewer channels. You can also render your high-res stuff using the farm. This sometimes works since the farm does not require AutoCAD and all of its related overhead.