advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Not sure if I am doing something wrong but when I have added a decal to a monitor screen, and then import the block into my drawing it renders the decal for the first block ok, if I then add the same block again or copy the block or mirror it the decal doesn't render?
You'll need to put together an example with a very precise procedure if you want me to take a look at this.
Thanks Roy,
My drawing is to big to upload as is my monitor block. I created the decal on the monitor block using a jpg . I have attached a render of the problem, as you can see some have rendered some haven't, one is back to front. I have also attached an image of the decal setup in the monitor block.
I imported the monitor block into my drawing and then used the mirror command to replicate. The same problem happens however I get the block into my drawing.
have you tried checking the decal-properties-"double sided" box ?
Try exploding the block, or insert one for each direction and then copy/array.
Thanks for your replies, didn't make any difference if I exploded the block and the decals weren't set to double sided but thanks for the advice :) I recreated the monitor block and the problem seems to be sorted now, must have been a problem with the original block.
Thanks again.
Sometimes mirroring can cause a problem. You can always upload a simplified drawing showing the problem if need be.