advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi Kirk, I also use a MacBook Pro with Windows partition, but I chose not to use any virtual machine software in order to be able to use all the system resources. I don't know if Parallels do that, but I was using WMware Fusion with Win7 64bit and with a big surprise I discovered that not all the ram was used when virtualising.
so, roy, have you seen the numbers for auto cad for mac yet? how are they doing? 2011's alright after a few fixes, 2012 is still annoying. neither are as easy to use as 2008 on parallels but maybe lots of others have bought in and it's worth the effort on your part.
Nothing planned for AutoCAD so far.
Having made the move to Mac also, it would be great if nXt could find its way to AutoCAD for Macintosh.