advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I'm having a problem with a fatal error on opening AR5 after attaching a background image. The choice of image does not seem to matter. I'm using arnxt64_0281.
Two .dwg files plus screen shots are attached. The sequence of events is as follows:
1) Load file “135 exterior-11-1124-skysolid.dwg”- no problem opening AR5
2) Lighting-Advanced tab settings (see “0001advanced tab.jpg”)
3) Lighting-Sky tab settings (see “0002 sky tab.jpg”)
4) Lighting-Background tab settings (see “0003 background tab.jpg”)
5) Up to this point the file can be saved, closed, re-opened. AR5 starts with no problem
6) Lighting-Background tab – An error is generated on selecting “use image” but it’s still possible to continue and the rendering runs fine (see “0004 select image bkg-error.jpg”)
7) Save-As “135 exterior-11-1124-skyimage.dwg” and close file
8) Open file “135 exterior-11-1124-skyimage.dwg”. File opens without problem
9) Fatal crash on starting AR5 (see “0006 ar5 startup crash error.jpg”)
10) Copying all objects from “135 exterior-11-1124-skyimage.dwg” into a clean file allows AR5 to start fine, but sky and background settings revert to the default. When this new file is changed to have a background image, items 6-9 repeat.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks. Ron
Interesting how these show up in bunches. I haven't changed anything in this area for a while-- but another user just reported the same thing. I'll put out a new build tomorrow with the fix.
works great. also the x and y offsets work (they didn't). thanks very much Roy
Hmmm. Definitely didn't change the x-y offset stuff.
the background in the attached image is offset about 0.35 in the Y direction, to bring the tree and dark foreground up into view at the right edge. I couldn't get it to happen, no matter what number I entered, till whatever changed between 281 and 282. anyway, thanks again.