advanced rendering for AutoCAD
A new version of the nXtRender Add-ons for AutoCAD has been posted, to preview the new Layer Material Schemes feature.
To use layer Material Schemes, install build 324 or later and then install the nXtRender Batch Add-on from the Downloads Page
The download is a zip file. Just open the zip file and click on the file it contains to install it.
Edit - You should make sure that you have installed nXtRender version 0322, or a later version of nXtRender.
After downloading and installing, it will automatically load as a Plugin for AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCaD 2012 with SP2 installed.
Otherwise, for AutoCAD 2010 through 2012, you will need to load one of these ARX modules before the functions will work:
nXtRender_load_R18_x64.arx (for 64 bit machines)
They can be loaded from a sub-folder named RPS_BIN wherever you have AccuRender nXt installed, usually:
C:\Program Files\AccuRender nXt\RPS_BIN
To load the new Layer Material Schemes dialog, type in
Documentation on this new feature can be found here:
Please download and try this, and let us know what need to be done with it to make it more useful.
Hi Rich, is there something else in this Add ons? because the downladed program is 83 MB. Thanks in advance. Alejandro
It is large because it contains all the executables and modules to be able to render as a stand-alone product, for both a 32 bit and a 64 bit machine, and also contains the executables for the 3D PDF routine, etc.
We'll eventually break this up into smaller installs for different things, and probably split them into 32 and 64 bit installs also to keep things smaller.
Installed the latest build and have to appload to get this to work. AutoCad 2012 & 2010 64 bits.
Quite a long process, can we just have float toolbox like that of Archvision RPC, and a shorter command prompt?