advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hello again everyone,
So everything has been going relatively well with the render farm and farm software, but a random question did come up from one of our techs and I didn't have an answer. The question is, with the renderings being run are there local cache files being created that can or should be cleared upon completion or error. This question came up in regards to a problem which occurred from an error'd rendering during a server disruption which resulted in a loop which caused the node to require being restarted after the queue and ongoing renderings had cleared/completed.
Not that I can recall. If the network goes down in the middle of all of this all bets are off-- it may require clearing out the job folder (in the shared directory) and starting all over -OR- it could be able to pick up where it left off.
Ok, thanks Roy. That's how I addressed the situation when it arose earlier this month, just wanted to be 100% or as close to sure as possible.