advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I would like to ask how to I can light my model interior after adding a clipping plane.Should I add a light or is there a method to introduce light in the seccioned interior.Thank for allContinue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Roy Hirshkowitz Feb 11, 2011.
Dear Friends.Could some one help me in defining an adequate hardware for the next generation of software?I am not able to install many programs due to harware limitations (specially Graphics Card) I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Roy Hirshkowitz Jan 17, 2011.
Hi every body.I received an e-mail from Bob McNeel and I visited the following link…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Roy Hirshkowitz Jan 4, 2011.
I would like to ask Roy many operation questions.1- Are you going to add ground plane hight like old accurender version?If not now we could move it? Is posible to add some funccion to move it…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Roy Hirshkowitz Dec 24, 2010.
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Alejandro Testa