advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I am working with AutoCad architecture. I downloaded the latest materials library and am able to select materials in nxt and put them in my project but the libraries don't preview in the file manager so I must load every material into the project to see what it looks like. How can I get it to preview in the file manager. I just shows a red ball.
I would attempt to find the offending material first. If and when you find it-- I'd love to see it.
I did start the process. I sorted by date and worked one file at a time. I could see that as I drug, a transparent thumbnail appeared. All went well until about half way through the directory. I still couldnt tell the file, but I have the list narrowed down.
Not sure if its related, but my pc freaked out this morning doing a "refresh/bounce back and forth from desktop to start" loop. didnt give me time to click anything. finally got task manager up and found a "WINDOWS THUMBNAIL EXTRACTION.." loop under status. Finally got in enough to run restore and got it working again. I think (from searches) was from a windows update.
I'm scarred to go play with icons for a while :) i just tried and its still crashing the materials folder.