advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I work with RPCs from Archvsion and Autocad 2014 together. In my latest drawing the RPSs came out shady after the rendering process. When I asked the archvision help they told me to change the ray tracing in nxt render.
Does anyone know how to do it?
Thanks a lot!
At first glance this looks like a precision problem. I would check two things--
(1) Is the model located far from the origin?-- are the coordinates of the objects large? If so, the only solution is to move the entire model closer to World Coordinate 0,0,0.
(2) Are the units correct? Use _DDUNITS to check the insertion units and make sure they match your drawings actual units.
If this doesn't fix the problem I may need to take a look at the model-- let me know.
It worked@!
Thank you