advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I've used AR3 in the past and had to upgrade to nXt for an "emergency" project. I haven't used anything accurender for a few years so I am quite a bit rusty. I am struggling with setting up views for the interior renderings and used the 3Dwalk command in autocad (2011). The problem is the image perspective is way off, it seems as if it has been pulled and stretched away from the camera. I am new to the 3Dwalk command so I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated as more questions are coming.
Two choices which may help:
Use an AutoCAD camera (_CAMERA) command. Switch to plan view first.
Use nXt's WalkAbout utility. Press the WalkAbout button on the top of the nXt palette. Try adjusting the field of view before moving around to see if that's where your distortion is occurring. Use the keyboard cursor or mouse to move around your model. You can often use WalkAbout to refine your initial AutoCAD camera views-- the dropdown list at the top contains all of the AutoCAD views. Hit the Render button on the WalkAbout screen when you're ready to render the view.
Thanks Roy,
Did both as suggested, worked great!
Thanks again