advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Roy, is this a small bug?
I've noticed that nXt doesn't render the last frame of an animation. If my animation is 100 passes, I do get 100 rendered frames. Its just that the last one doesn't correspond with the ends of my paths. I need to set up a camera using the endpoints of both my camera and target paths, and render it with the same FOV in order to catch that last view.
That's true. I suppose that's not the problem I was thinking it was. The first frame of the second animation path equals the last frame of the first - which is probably the ideal way of dealing with it. I suppose the issue I was having was trying to frame that last view exactly how I want it and then not actually getting that view rendered. I suppose this issue is probably easier to deal than having to deal with the annoying repeated frame.
As an aside, is it possible to batch render multiple animation paths? You seem to have set a limit of 1000 frames on a single path. That means that I am limited to only 1000 rendered frames over night.