advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Have found that ACAD/nXt locks up when editing decals.
1. Select object with existing decal.
2. Right click on decal name under nXt Object Properties and select "Edit Position and Location"
3. Type "3", "M", "S" or "R" without first clicking a point within the ACAD window.
4. Experience frustration and the "oh yea" don't do that feeling.
Still no problem-- selected the face and followed the procedure above choosing the "3" option.
What's the dispositon of your nXt palette-- e.g. docked, floating, anchored?
Are other palettes open as well?
Within ACAD, I have the nXt window on my second monitor. It's open and docked (?-it kinda jumps to the upper screen edge). This would be easier with a screen shot...attached.
This isn't a big deal...I just need to remember the correct sequence. Maybe I could try with a different image for the decal...