advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I wouldn't try to light with a nightime HDRi-- this is probably a good application for compositing.
I would try something like this:
Start with the Exterior preset.
Set Channels to 2.
Set Sun off.
Set Lights on.
Use the Channel 0 control to set the sky to a very low value-- try 0.002 for a start. Either use a black background, a night photo background-- OR-- composite one in later on.
I don't like the approach of making the windows light sources-- but if you must....
The sky am ok with.
Killing the sky channel and the lights in the widows will show.
So what is next now?
How do I get more environmental illumination?
Use the sky channel to add as much environmental illumination as you want. Use a black color bg (or another color pic) for compositing purposes.